India And Myanmar

Concept Explanation

India And Myanmar

India And Mayanmar:

India-Myanmar relations also knows as Indian-Burmese relations or Indian-Myanmar relations, refers to the bilateral relations between India and Myanmar. These relations encompass the political, economic and socio-cultural relations that exist between the two neighboring Asian countries. Political relations have improved considerably since 1993, overcoming tensions related to drug trafficking, the suppression of democracy and the rule of the military junta in Myanmar. Political leaders from both countries meet regularly on a bilateral basis and within the ASEAN PLUS SIX community. Economic relations are considerable with India representing Myanmar's 4th largest export market and the country's 5th largest import partner.

India shares a long border on the east with Myanmar (originally called Bhutan). Like India, Myanmar was also under British rule, from which it become independent in January 1948. Relations between the nations become strained. Incidents like smuggling and people crossing over to India created further tension. The then prime minister Rajiv Gandhi visited Myanmar in 1987. In 1994, an India—Myanmar border trade agreement was signed to improve the economic ties between the two countries.


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